Hack Job - Debut EP released today on CBRG

Hack Job have released their debut 11-track release today on Charlie's Big Ray Gun records. 

Built from the legendary pillars of Southsea's finest hardcore scene Hack Job consists of Damo on guitar (Joythief / D:Roid), with the curmudgeonly screams of lead vocalist / bassist Alan (Whole In The Head / The Shorts) and super-fast-core drummer Jochen (The SLM / Black Anchor).

In a previous incarnations Damo and Jochen smashed our ears in with the gone but never forgotten Ed Wood and have been looking to put together a fast hardcore band to express what is left of their Violent Years for a while now. 

In Alan they couldn't have found a better conspirator, he grew up on 80’s stuff like Chaos UK and Disorder and all their musical influences meet in the middle somewhere between Grindcore, Powerviolence and Thrash with Punk leanings.

Check them out on Bandcamp here!